Hello! Welcome to the cover and first page of our new series “Lemme Addams.” Who are we? Well you can read about us in the bios but here’s the basics, I am Sonny Strait, cartoon voice actor, comic book artist and hero to millions of confused youth. I am the artist. The writer is Billy Foster, who wrote several comics with me many ages ago, when this ancient planet was not quite so ancient, then went to try his hand at stand-up comedy. Billy is also a distant cousin to Wakka Wakka Wakka; The Hawaiian God of Polite Laughter. Some of you may know Billy as “daddy.” Which is very possible since he has, like, a hundred kids..well..3.

Some of you may know me from my comic book series We Shadows, the voice of Dragonball Z’s Krillin and a colorist for Dark Horse’s Elfquest. For those wondering if there will ever be any more We Shadows comics all I can say is, “maybe.” The problem is I just don’t have the time any more to write and draw a comic. However I did have all these ideas for a bunch of bizarre superheroes so I showed them to Billy and asked if he could write something and I’d draw it…and boy, did he take off on that. Kids, we now have an entire graphic novel laid out and Billy has half of it scripted. We even have ideas for the second graphic novel.

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