What an incredible weekend at Phoenix Comicon. I believe the last count was over 70,000 attendees..and such a well-run convention. Those guys have really got their act together. For one thing since they knew I was the colorist for the current Elfquest series at Dark Horse  they put my table in Artist Alley right across from ElfQuest creators Wendy and Richard Pini. Throughout the con there was a constant flow of visitors at our tables. There were lulls but usually no longer than 20 or 30 seconds…yes…20 or 30 seconds!

My panels were very well attended. Wendy Pini and I did a webcomics panel that went so well that afterward we said needed to take it on the road.

Lots of awesome cosplayers were there including two Borderlands Psychos (which I voice), a Bardock (which I voice) and an ElfQuest’s Moonshade from the new ElfQuest series. She came over to my table and I said, “I colored you!”

But the highlight for me was the ElfQuest signing at the Dark Horse booth. Of all the big publishers Dark Horse has been my favorite since it’s brilliant, beyond the norm books first hit the shelves. ElfQuest is such a great fit there and, man, do they know how to promote that property.

Anyhoo, I’d go back to Phoenix Comicon anytime.

I do need to take a second and thank my agent Shannon. She lives in town and helped me run the table all weekend. I couldn’t have done it without her. Thanks Shannon!

Next week..more stuff!






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